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Springer, Cham

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Oligocene Rhodolith Beds in the Central Mediterran

Authors: Marco Brandano
Publish Date: 2017
Volume: , Issue: , Pages: 195-219
PDF Link


During the Oligocene extensive carbonate platforms developed in the central Mediterranean These areas were colonized by different organisms being the coralline algae one of the most important contributors to the carbonate production Red algae produced sediments in shallow seagrass environments however dominate the mesophotic and oligophotic zones where produced rhodolith beds The diffusion of red algae during the Oligocene was favoured by reduction in atmospheric CO2 a rise in seawater alkalinity and increasing Mg/Ca ratios This chapter deals with these deposits analyzing the depositional models and the controlling factors accounting for the origin of rhodolith bedsGrazia Vannucci is gratefully acknowledged for discussion and collaboration through the years The constructive criticisms and the comments by Juan C Braga and Julio Aguirre are greatly appreciated This work was supported by PRIN Project 2010–2011 Gabriel Walton is thanked for the revision of the English text



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