Journal Title
Title of Journal: JAMA Cardiol
Abbravation: JAMA Cardiology
American Medical Association
Authors: Tamara B Horwich Gregg C Fonarow
Publish Date: 2017/01/01
Volume: 2, Issue: 1, Pages: 116-116
The root cause of heart failure is dysfunction of the heart muscle This dysfunction occurs in 1 of 2 ways a weakening of the muscle resulting in a decrease in the heart’s pumping capacity or an increased stiffness of the heart muscle so that the heart cannot relax properly while the heart fills with bloodRegular physical activity exercising ≥5 d/wk and maintaining a health body weight are key ingredients to preventing heart failure Other healthy behaviors also lower the risk of developing heart failure not smoking eating fruits and vegetables 4 servings/d and moderate alcohol intake 1 drink/d On the other hand heavy alcohol/binge drinking and cocaine/amphetamine abuse can lead to heart failure and other health problems and thus should be avoided Lastly eating fish and drinking a moderate amount of coffee ≤ 4 cups/d have also been linked to less heart failureHypertension high blood pressure is a major risk factor for the development of heart failure Blood pressure lowering in some individuals known to be at higher risk for heart disease to an optimal level of approximately 120/80 mm Hg can significantly reduce this risk Specific medicines that lower blood pressure and are also effective in lowering heart failure risk include diuretics angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors angiotensin receptor blockers and βblockersType 2 diabetes high blood glucose predisposes one to the development of heart failure and treatment of diabetes to lower blood glucose with diet exercise and certain antidiabetic medications under the care of your physician can significantly lower your riskCholesterol buildup in the arteries that supply blood to the heart also known as atherosclerotic coronary artery disease can result in heart attacks that damage and weaken the heart muscle This is another leading cause of heart failure Under the care of a cardiologist treatment of risk factors can effectively reduce risk of heart attacks and heart failure with drugs such as statins cholesterollowering medicines and aspirin Diet and exercise are important as well
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