Journal Title
Title of Journal: Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis
Abbravation: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Authors: L Rosset M Toetsch L Kaiser C Helg
Publish Date: 2004/06/19
Volume: 23, Issue: 7, Pages: 578-579
A 16yearold girl from Kenya presented in March 2002 with weight loss fatigue night sweats backache and a leftsided limping gait of 4 months’ duration Radiological investigations included computed tomography scans of the chest and abdomen which showed large mediastinal retroperitoneal and hilar lymphadenopathy pulmonary infiltrates and hepatosplenomegaly Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine revealed an infiltration of the third lumbar vertebra with involvement of the posterior wall Laboratory evaluation revealed discrete leukopenia of 35 g/l with a normal differential leukocyte count HIV serology was negative A cervical adenopathy biopsy was positive for mixed cellularity Hodgkin’s disease HD and a bone marrow biopsy showed diffuse infiltration with Hodgkin cells On the basis of these findings the diagnosis of advanced stage IVB HD was made in accordance with the Ann Harbor lymphoma classification system
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