Authors: Marcos A Antezana
Publish Date: 2005/10/06
Volume: 61, Issue: 6, Pages: 834-836
I show that the equilibrium GC content of sequences evolving according to substitution trends estimated from human–chimp nongenic DNA polarized with baboon is essentially identical to the average GC content of the alignments from which the substitutions were retrieved The same is found when using substitution trends estimated from mouse–rat coding regions polarized with humanI retrieved 80207 substitutions from 3155 alignments of human chimp and baboon nongenic DNA sequences curated and kindly provided by Julien Meunier Meunier and Duret 2004 The alignments were sorted by the average GC content of the human and chimp sequences in each alignment almost identical to the baboon’s and five groups of adjacent alignments of increasing average GC were defined each containing about 20000 substitutions ie some overlapping between groups was necessary Substitutions to human or chimp were then retrieved from sites at which the baboon base and the base in one of the two