Authors: Serkan Özgen Zafer Dursunkaya Ali Aslan Ebrinç
Publish Date: 2006/12/07
Volume: 43, Issue: 12, Pages: 1317-1328
The stability problem of lowspeed plane CouettePoiseuille flow of air under heat transfer effects is solved numerically using the linear stability theory Stability equations obtained from twodimensional equations of motion and their boundary conditions result in an eigenvalue problem that is solved using an efficient shootsearch technique Variable fluid properties are accounted for both in the basic flow and the perturbation stability equations A parametric study is performed in order to assess the roles of moving wall velocity and heat transfer It is found that the moving wall velocity and the location of the critical layers play decisive roles in the instability mechanism The flow becomes unconditionally stable whenever the moving wall velocity exceeds half of the maximum velocity in the channel With wall heating and Mach number effects included the flow is stabilized