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To Rule Out Confounding Observational Studies of

Authors: David N Fisman
Publish Date: 2007/07/23
Volume: 167, Issue: 14, Pages: 1554-1555
PDF Link


We appreciate the comments of Jackson and colleagues regarding possible residual confounding by health status as an explanation for the protection provided by influenza vaccination against death in our study1 Confounding and biases represent everpresent threats to validity for even the best thoughtout observational research2 We controlled for numerous potential confounders including health status nursing home residence and severity of illness on admission in multivariable models and the observed protective effect of influenza vaccination remained robust Furthermore we included only hospitalized individuals with pneumonia The implicit exclusion of vaccinated individuals at low risk of pneumoniarelated hospitalization makes a “healthy vaccine effect” unlikely



citation title=Update influenza activity—United States and worldwide JuneSeptember 2002 citation author=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC citation author=Murray E citation author=Postema A citation author=Brammer L MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep citation year=2002 citation volume=51 citation issue=39 citation pages=880882

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