Authors: N A Frederick T A Sayles S K Kim M B Maple
Publish Date: 2007/02/14
Volume: 147, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 321-333
The double superconducting transition in PrOs4Sb12 first observed in specific heat CT measurements on single crystal samples was studied by means of specific heat measurements on PrOs4Sb12 crystals that had been subjected to applied magnetic fields substitution of up to 4 Ru for Os and annealing The double superconducting transitions of a batch of single crystals were measured before and after annealing for 5 days at 500°C to remove strains and promote homogeniety with no observed change Measurements of CT near Tc for PrOs4Sb12 in several magnetic fields are also presented detailing the evolution of the double transition up to 1 T Samples of PrOs1x RuxSb12 with 001 ≤ x ≤ 004 also appear to display a double superconducting transition in specific heat In addition samples with the smallest Ru concentration measured x = 001 may even display a more isotropic type of superconductivity than pure PrOs4Sb12 x = 0