Journal Title
Title of Journal: Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst
Abbravation: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Y K Soon S S Malhi Z H Wang S Brandt J J Schoenau
Publish Date: 2008/04/08
Volume: 82, Issue: 2, Pages: 149-160
Crop yield and N uptake in semiarid environments are typically limited by available water and/or N Since remobilization of shoot N is a major source of grain N an understanding of how it is influenced by soil N and water supply and tillage is required In 2003 2005 and 2006 we determined the influence of N supply 0 or 60 kg fertilizer N ha−1 and tillage no tillage NT or conventional tillage CT on N translocation and N use efficiency of wheat Triticum aestivum L at Scott Saskatchewan Canada Wheat production and N use and their response to N fertilizer or tillage were largely influenced by water availability Wheat N uptake and remobilization were strongly correlated with normalized rainfall in May and June r = 0985 and 0935 respectively both significant at the P = 001 level In a moisturestressed year 2003 grain yield was higher under NT than CT and fertilizer N was ineffective due to low N demand Nitrogen application increased shoot dry matter DM and N uptake and remobilization only in 2006 a year with nearaverage precipitation In a wet and cool year 2005 wheat showed no response to tillage or fertilizer N as available soil N was high Root DM and N content varied slightly only with year or treatment When N uptake at heading was substantially greater than 100 kg ha−1 N loss occurred during plant senescence and it was higher with N fertilization in 2005 and 2006 Nfertilized wheat lost 33–35 kg N ha−1 Nitrogen use efficiency was 1 higher under NT than CT due to higher N utilization efficiency 2 higher with no added N due to higher uptake and utilization efficiencies and 3 low when water availability was low or excessive Tillage system had little effect on the uptake remobilization or loss of N Fertilizer N application in a year with average rainfall increased wheat production N accumulation and remobilization and N loss during senescence
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