Authors: MinJen Tsai
Publish Date: 2010/02/09
Volume: 52, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 347-367
Wavelet tree based watermarking algorithms are generally using the wavelet coefficient energy difference for copyright protection and ownership verification Since there are cryptanalysisbased methods addressed for successfully attacking wavelet tree based watermarking algorithm of wavelet tree quantization WTQ it is the motivation in this research to devise a scheme to improve WTQ’s robustness Furthermore the combination of wavelet tree based watermarking techniques chaotic system for block based scrambling techniques have not been seen or few discussed in the literatures The study in this paper has presented such research findings and contribution for the academic and industry fields Therefore a chaotic system is adopted for WTQ to counteract the attacks in this paper The digital image is first split into many blocks and the chaotic system is applied to scramble the image before the implementation of WTQ The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of using chaotic system to enhance the security of WTQ especially to resist cryptanalysis attack In addition such mechanism also works for other advanced wavelet tree based algorithms like wavelet tree group modulation WTGM and dynamic energy enabled differentiation called DEED watermarking techniquesThe author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers with their valuable comments to improve the quality of this manuscript This work is partially supported by the National Science Council in Taiwan Republic of China under Grant NSC962416H009015 NSC972410H009034 and 9929181009008