Authors: SukHwan Lee WonJoo Hwang KiRyong Kwon
Publish Date: 2013/08/31
Volume: 73, Issue: 3, Pages: 1913-1942
The growth in applications for vector data such as CAD design drawings and GIS digital maps has increased the requirements for authentication copy detection and retrieval of vector data Vector data hashing is one of the main techniques for meeting these requirements Its design must be robust secure and unique which is similar to image or video hashing This paper presents a vector data hashing method based on the polyline curvature for design drawings and digital maps Our hashing method extracts the feature values by projecting the polyline curvatures which are obtained from groups of vector data using GMM clustering onto random values before generating the final binary hash by binarization A robustness evaluation showed that our hashing method had a very low false detection probability during geometrical modifications rearrangements and similar transformations of objects and layers A security evaluation based on differential entropy showed that the level of uncertainty was very high with our hashing method Furthermore a uniqueness evaluation showed that the Hamming distances between hashes were very low