Authors: YongGao Chen JinHui Fang
Publish Date: 2011/09/14
Volume: 134, Issue: 4, Pages: 416-430
For a set A let PA be the set of all finite subset sums of A We prove that if a sequence B=b 1b 2⋯ of integers satisfies b 1≧11 and b n+1≧3b n +5 n=12… then there exists a sequence of positive integers A=a 1a 2⋯ for which PA=ℕ∖B On the other hand if a sequence B=b 1b 2⋯ of positive integers satisfies either b 1=10 or b 2=3b 1+4 then there is no sequence A of positive integers for which PA=ℕ∖B