Authors: Mark Fisher Todd A Oliynyk
Publish Date: 2011/12/03
Volume: 312, Issue: 1, Pages: 137-177
We prove that there are no magnetically charged particlelike solutions for any model with an Abelian residual group in Einstein YangMills but for the nonAbelian models the possibility remains open An analysis of the Lie algebraic structure of the YangMills fields is essential to our results In one key step of our analysis we use invariant polynomials to determine which orbits of the gauge group contain the possible asymptotic YangMills field configurations Together with a new horizontal/vertical space decomposition of the YangMills fields this enables us to overcome some obstacles and complete a dynamical system existence theorem for asymptotic solutions with nonzero total magnetic charge We then prove that these solutions cannot be extended globally for Abelian models and begin an investigation of the details for nonAbelian models