Authors: Marcel Bischoff Yasuyuki Kawahigashi Roberto Longo KarlHenning Rehren
Publish Date: 2016/01/21
Volume: 342, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-45
We study the structure of local algebras in relativistic conformal quantum field theory with phase boundaries Phase boundaries are instances of a more general notion of boundaries that give rise to a variety of algebraic structures These can be formulated in a common framework originating in Algebraic QFT with the principle of Einstein Causality playing a prominent role We classify the phase boundary conditions by the centre of a certain universal construction which produces a reducible representation in which all possible boundary conditions are realized For a large class of models the classification reproduces results obtained in a different approach by Fuchs et al beforeSupported in part by the ERC Advanced Grant 669240 QUEST “Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models” PRINMIUR GNAMPAINdAM and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation RL Supported by the GrantsinAid for Scientific Research JSPS YK Supported by the German Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG through the Institutional Strategy of the University of Göttingen MB KHR The hospitality and support of the ErwinSchrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics Vienna is gratefully acknowledged