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Correction of eigenvalues estimated by the Legendr

Authors: Mohamed K ElDaou Suad Sh Al Enezi Mona M Mekkaoui
Publish Date: 2012/11/25
Volume: 64, Issue: 2, Pages: 203-220
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It is known that the accuracy in estimating a large number of eigenvalues deteriorates when the standard numerical methods are applied because of the sharp oscillatory behavior of the corresponding eigenfunctions One method which has proved to be efficient in treating such problems is the Legendre–Gauss Tau method In this paper we present an exponentially fitted version of this method and we develop practical formulae to correct the estimated eigenvalues



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  6. Recursive self preconditioning method based on Schur complement for Toeplitz matrices
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  8. The sparse cardinal sine decomposition and its application for fast numerical convolution
  9. A family of Steffensen type methods with seventh-order convergence
  10. On linearly related orthogonal polynomials in several variables
  11. Orthogonal polynomials—centroid of their zeroes
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  13. The impact of parameter selection on the performance of an automatic adaptive code for solving reaction–diffusion equations in three dimensions
  14. A new subtraction-free formula for lower bounds of the minimal singular value of an upper bidiagonal matrix
  15. Extrapolation algorithms for solving nonlinear boundary integral equations by mechanical quadrature methods
  16. A global convergent derivative-free method for solving a system of non-linear equations
  17. A new constrained total variational deblurring model and its fast algorithm
  18. Numerical solution to generalized Lyapunov/Stein and rational Riccati equations in stochastic control
  19. Tracing the Pareto frontier in bi-objective optimization problems by ODE techniques
  20. A study of accelerated Newton methods for multiple polynomial roots
  21. A binary powering Schur algorithm for computing primary matrix roots
  22. Non-uniform exponential tension splines
  23. Nonmonotone line search methods with variable sample size
  24. Galerkin-Chebyshev spectral method and block boundary value methods for two-dimensional semilinear parabolic equations
  25. On approximated ILU and UGS preconditioning methods for linearized discretized steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
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  27. A marching-on in time meshless kernel based solver for full-wave electromagnetic simulation
  28. Algorithms and software for total variation image reconstruction via first-order methods

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