Authors: CM Schäfer L Elsgaard C C Hoffmann S O Petersen
Publish Date: 2012/03/03
Volume: 357, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 339-353
Drained peatlands are considered to be insignificant CH4 sources but the effect of drainage on CH4 dynamics has not been extensively studied We investigated seasonal dynamics of CH4 in two fen peat soils and one bog peat soil under permanent grassland in DenmarkSoil CH4 concentrations were measured several times throughout the year in parallel to a one year CH4 flux monitoring campaign with static chambers Additionally CH4 production potentials were determined in a laboratory incubation assay for the bog soilMethane fluxes were generally negligible even though soil CH4 concentrations of up to 155 and 1000 μmol CH4 dm−3 were measured in one of the fen peats and in the bog peat respectively Significant CH4 concentrations were observed above the water table Methane production assays confirmed the presence of viable methanogens in the upper parts of the bog peat soil The aerenchymous plant Juncus effusus L liberated CH4 from the peat at rates of up to 33 mg CH4 m−2 h−1 No CH4 dynamics were observed in the second fen peat which in contrast to the other two sites had high sulfate concentrationsWe would like to thank the following current and former staff members for their support in sampling the soil cores Bodil Stensgaard Jørgen M Nielsen Karin Dyrberg Lene Skovmose Paw Rasmussen Søren B Torp and Stig T Rasmussen We would also like to thank Rodrigo S Labouriau for his statistical advice This study was funded by the Danish Ministry of the Environment with support from Aarhus University