Authors: Compare Angelo Bigi Riccardo Orrego Pedro Silva Proietti Riccardo Grossi Enzo Steptoe Andrew
Publish Date: 2013/06/01
Volume: 45, Issue: 3, Pages: 299-307
Angelo Compare Riccardo Bigi Pedro Silva Orrego Riccardo Proietti Enzo Grossi Andrew Steptoe Type D Personality Is Associated with the Development of Stress Cardiomyopathy Following Emotional Triggers Annals of Behavioral Medicine Volume 45 Issue 3 June 2013 Pages 299–307 https//doiorg/101007/s121600139474xA case–control study with 37 SCM patients 37 myocardial infarction AMI patients who both experienced emotional triggering and 37 SCM patients without emotional triggers was performed The DS14 and Interview for Recent Life Events were administeredTwentyeight 76 SCM emotional trigger patients were categorized as type D compared with 13 43 SCM patients without emotional trigger and 12 32 AMI patients p 0001 SCM patients with emotional triggers had higher scores on the social inhibition subscale than the other patient groups