Journal Title
Title of Journal: J Inst Eng India Ser B
Abbravation: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B
Authors: M F AlRawi M AlRawi
Publish Date: 2013/11/08
Volume: 94, Issue: 3, Pages: 169-172
This paper presents new modified 24 kb/s Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADPCM system The modified ADPCM uses 4bit quantizer with sampling rate of 6000 sample/s while the standard ADPCM uses 3bit quantizer with sampling rate of 8000 sample/s The purpose of this modification is to reduce the nonlinear distortion introduced by ADPCM when QAM signal is sent over it The performances of standard and modified ADPCM are studied using QAM signal at data rate of 96 kb/s The simulation results show that the performance of modified ADPCM is better than standard ADPCM
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