Journal Title
Title of Journal: J Inst Eng India Ser B
Abbravation: Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B
Authors: Parul Pandey Maheshwari Tripathi
Publish Date: 2016/06/21
Volume: 97, Issue: 4, Pages: 437-444
Data replication is playing a vital role in the design of distributed information systems This paper presents a novel and efficient distributed algorithm for managing replicated data and for better performance and availability This paper presents an extension to existing wheel protocol for improved performance Wheel protocol imposes a logical wheel structure on the set of copies of an object and gives smallest read quorum In addition to small read quorum size for read intensive applications it is necessary to have good write availability as well This paper proposes two hybrid wheel protocols which superimpose logarithmic and ring protocols on top of the wheel protocol It shows that both protocols help in improving write availability read capacity load and message overhead and also compare their performances with wheel and other protocols Hybrid protocols expand usage of wheel protocol to different type of applications
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