Journal Title
Title of Journal: Biospektrum
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Authors: Frank Niehaus Milan Blanusa Uli Schwaneberg
Publish Date: 2013/02/17
Volume: 19, Issue: 1, Pages: 45-48
Ulrich Schwaneberg Jahrgang 1969 Chemiestudium an der Universität Stuttgart 1999 Promotion 2000–2001 Postdoc am California Institute of Technology Pasadena USA 20022008 Professor und Arbeitsgruppenleiter an der Jacobs Universität Bremen seit 2009 Leiter des Instituts für Biochemie an der RWTH Aachen wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Deutschen Wollinstituts und Executive Managing Director am Bioeconomy Science CenterFlow cytometry screening systems in emulsions offer a throughput up to 108 that would enable novel strategies in directed protein evolution e g with high mutational loads and enzyme discovery in metagenomes hit rates 1 in 105 A main challenge which hampers a routinely use of flow cytometry is the lack of suitable screening assays This article highlights the potential of flow cytometry to improve a monooxygenase with high mutational loads and to discover novel enzymes in metagenomes
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