Journal Title
Title of Journal: Rend Fis Acc Lincei
Abbravation: Rendiconti Lincei
Springer International Publishing
Authors: Paolo Fasciglione Marco Barra Angela Santucci Sarah Ciancimino Salvatore Mazzola Salvatore Passaro
Publish Date: 2015/09/08
Volume: 27, Issue: 2, Pages: 229-239
Sediments from 33 sampling stations were collected and analyzed to characterize the benthic community and the sedimentology of a shallow coast sector of Bagnoli Naples Bay Italy Multibeam bathymetry was also used to properly fit the morphology of the environment with the spatial arrangement of the benthic community For each station a number of ecological indicators were computed and a hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out to identify groups of stations that were similar in terms of species composition Results showed wellstructured benthic communities and provided a first biocenothic map of the area allowing a first step toward a better understanding of the true environmental state of Bagnoli coastal sector
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