Authors: Marcus Clauss Andreas Lischke Heike Botha JeanMichel Hatt
Publish Date: 2015/12/11
Volume: 62, Issue: 1, Pages: 143-145
Conventional concepts about trophic niches in mammals are often linked to adaptations of digestive physiology and so carnivory by herbivorous animals is often considered a physiological impossibility However numerous reports on events of carnivory in herbivores without apparent harmful consequences exist Here we report the habitual daily consumption of animal prey dayold chicks and rodents by two rabbits kept in a mixedspecies exhibit with raptors over a period of 9 months While not requiring a change of the classification of rabbits as strict herbivores anecdotes like this one suggest that some trophic niches might be better explained by other factors than digestive physiology such as ecological opportunity behavioural adaptations and biomechanical limits to ingestion