Authors: Zairan Li Kai Shi Nilanjan Dey Amira S Ashour Dan Wang Valentina E Balas Pamela McCauley Fuqian Shi
Publish Date: 2016/11/17
Volume: 28, Issue: 3, Pages: 613-630
Nonlinear operators for KANSEI evaluation dataset were significantly developed such as uncertainty reason techniques including rough set fuzzy set and neural networks In order to extract more accurate KANSEI knowledge rulebased presentation was concluded a promising way in KANSEI engineering research In the present work variable precision rough set was applied in rulebased system to reduce the complexity of the knowledge database from normal item dataset to high frequent rule set In addition evidence theory’s reliability indices namely the support and confidence for rulebased knowledge presentation were proposed by using back propagation neural network with Bayesian regularization algorithm The proposed method was applied in shoes KANSEI evaluation system for a certain KANSEI adjective the key form features of products were predicted Some similar algorithms such as Levenberg–Marquardt and scaled conjugate gradient were also discussed and compared to establish the effectiveness of the proposed approach The experimental results established the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed algorithms customized for shoe industry where the proposed back propagation neural network/Bayesian regularization approach achieved superior performance compared to the other algorithms in terms of the performance gradient Mu Effective number of parameter and the sum square parameter in KANSEI support and confidence time series prediction