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Stochastic approximation based online algorithm f

Authors: Sundaresan Krishnan Prasanna Chaporkar
Publish Date: 2016/03/11
Volume: 23, Issue: 5, Pages: 1563-1574
PDF Link


It is well known that IEEE 80211 based MAC provides max–min fairness to all nodes even in a multirate WLAN However the max–min fairness may not always be the preferred fairness criteria as it significantly reduces overall system throughput In this paper we explore the proportional fairness and the time fairness First we obtain a condition that must be satisfied by the attempt probabilities to achieve proportional fairness Using this condition we propose a stochastic approximation based online algorithm that tunes attempt probabilities to achieve proportional fairness The proposed algorithm can be implemented in a distributed fashion and can provide optimal performance even when node uses a rate adaptation scheme Next we show that the time fairness is a special case of weighted max–min fairness with the weight for a node is equal to its transmission rate Thus the existing algorithms to achieve weighted max–min fairness can be used to achieve time fairness as well This exposition also demonstrates that the proportional fairness and the time fairness are not the same contrary to what was conjectured Performance comparison of various fairness criteria is done through ns3 simulations Simulation results show that time fair schemes achieve the highest throughput and the sum of logarithm of individual node’s throughputs under the time fairness is close to that under a proportionally fair scheme



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Other Papers In This Journal:

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  2. Spectrally efficient communication for wireless sensor networks using a cooperative MIMO technique
  3. Optimal joint utility based load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous wireless networks
  4. Admission control with load balancing in IEEE 802.11-based ESS mesh networks
  5. Cooperative content delivery exploiting multiple wireless interfaces: methods, new technological developments, open research issues and a case study
  6. Mobile sensor network programming system
  7. Snapshot: a forwarding strategy based on analyzing network topology in opportunistic networks
  8. SNR based secure communication via untrusted amplify-and-forward relay nodes using artificial noise
  9. D2D-based Survival on Sharing for critical communications
  10. Supporting voice and video applications over IEEE 802.11n WLANs
  11. Energy-efficient scheduling with individual packet delay constraints over a fading channel
  12. Guest editorial
  13. Time-frequency hopping sequences with three no hit zones
  14. Analysis and optimization of a cross-layer adaptation mechanism for real-time applications in wireless networks
  15. Characterizing 802.11 wireless link behavior
  16. Characterizing 802.11 wireless link behavior
  17. Research on routing protocol facing to signal conflicting in link quality guaranteed WSN
  18. Design and analysis of novel quorum-based sink location service scheme in wireless sensor networks
  19. Efficient cluster head selection using Naïve Bayes classifier for wireless sensor networks
  20. Guest editorial on selected papers from WiOpt’05
  21. Association control algorithms for handoff frequency minimization in mobile wireless networks
  22. The fundamental limits of broadcasting in dense wireless mobile networks
  23. Energy-efficient and reliable data delivery in wireless sensor networks
  24. Effective Location Based Services with Dynamic Data Management in Mobile Environments
  25. Survey of ICIC techniques in LTE networks under various mobile environment parameters
  26. SDMAC: Selectively Directional MAC protocol for wireless mobile ad hoc networks
  27. SDMAC: Selectively Directional MAC protocol for wireless mobile ad hoc networks
  28. Low-cost group rekeying for unattended wireless sensor networks
  29. LoWaNA: low overhead watermark based node authentication in WSN

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