Journal Title
Title of Journal: Arch Derm Syphilol
Abbravation: Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology
American Medical Association
Publish Date: 1927/09/01
Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 291-293
The physicist has divided the regions of the ultraviolet into the near middle and far On the basis of the physiologic responses especially by the skin I have made another division I have taken two set places in the ultraviolet one the limit of natural sunlight which is at 2900 Angström units and the other the conventional barrier of glass to the ultraviolet which may be fixed at 3200 Angström units For purposes of physiology the ultraviolet may be be divided into the intravital from 3900 to 3200 Angström units which represents the invisible ultraviolet that passes through glass the vital from 3200 to 2900 Angström units which is the ultraviolet present in sunlight on a summer day near noon and which does not pass through glass and the extravital below 2900 Angström units to the limit of penetrability of air about 2000 Angström units
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