Journal Title
Title of Journal: Arch Derm Syphilol
Abbravation: Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology
American Medical Association
Authors: J Frank Fraser Jerome Kingsbury
Publish Date: 1931/12/01
Volume: 24, Issue: 6, Pages: 1127-1137
Mrs M K aged 70 American first noticed an eruption three months prior to presentation The maximum extent was observed two months later For several weeks preceding the onset of the eruption the patient had suffered from generalized pruritus As exhibited she presented an extensive bilateral eruption on the trunk and extremities consisting of fairly well defined patches of confluent dry itchy papules The patches varied from the size of a small coin to large diffuse areas She complained of severe itching although few scratch marks were present On the legs were numerous vesicles and bullae some flaccid others tense The patient had been treated by injections and internal medication of unknown nature There were no lesions in the mucous membranes and no adenopathy She had lost 10 pounds 45 Kg in weight within five months which she
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