Journal Title
Title of Journal: Orthop Traumatol
Abbravation: Orthopédie Traumatologie
Authors: G P Voydeville L Feldmann
Publish Date: 1992/12/01
Volume: 2, Issue: 4, Pages: 259-264
Lauteur examine deux séries comparatives Lune comprenant la cure de hernie discale par chirurgie classique et la cure des canaux lombaires étroits par recalibrage et ligamentoplastie en 8 Lautre la cure de hernie discale associée à une ligamentoplastie avec une cale interépineuse systématique et la cure des canaux lombaires étroits par recalibrage et stabilisation par ligamentoplastie et cale interépineuse Le recul moyen de la première série est de trente mois de la deuxieme série de dix huit mois En association avec un statisticien le chirurgien a examiné ces résultats Les résultats sont significatifs pour lamélioration de la douleur lombaire dans les canaux lombaires étroits à plusieurs étages sils sont traités avec cale et ligament Pour les hernies discales la mise en place dune cale systématique a permis déviter la récidiveThe author examines two types of surgery with two separate techniques The first one is the standard one Disc herniation is treated by a standard approach Canal root narrowing is treated by facettectomy partial laminectomy and foraminotomy The second technique in addition to the classical approach adds a wedge between the spinous processes and the ligament passed around the spinous processes The ligament is also passed through holes in the wedge For instance a herniated disc at L4/L5 will be treated by a wedge placed between the spinous processes of L4 and L5 and a ligamentoplasty For canal root narrowing after facettectomy partial laminectomy and foraminotomy a wedge is put between the spinous processes at each level The ligament is again passed around the spinous processes and through the wedge Average followup is 30 months for the classic approach 18 months for the second technique In association with a statistician the surgeon examines the results In canal root narrowing the results were significantly better for low back pain when treated with wedges and ligamentoplasty In disk herniation There was a 6 recurrence rate in the first series without ligamentoplasty or wedges and a 0 recurrence when wedges and ligament were put in the back
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