Journal Title
Title of Journal:
Abbravation: The Journal of Headache and Pain
Authors: Francomichele Puca
Publish Date: 2000/07
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 17-
A multicenter study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of psychosocial stressors and psychiatric comorbidity in patients suffering from migraine without aura MWO according to the International Headache Society criteria Two hundred four adult MWO outpatients underwent a structured psychiatric interview CIDIc to determine the presence of anxiety and mood and somatoform disorders according to DSMIIIR criteria An ad hoc questionnaire was used to assess psychosocial stress events Anxiety disorders were found in 392 of the sample mood disorders occurred in 230 and somatoform disorders in 216 Psychosocial stressors were identified in 225 of the migraineurs without any difference between patients with and without psychiatric comorbidity No correlation was found between psychiatric comorbidity and migraine duration or frequency When the migraine patients were compared with a homogeneous group of tensiontype headache sufferers a higher frequency of psychiatric comorbidity was found in the latter group 564 vs 778 p = 001 These data suggest that migraine as well as tensiontype headache are associated with an increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders Whether this is related to a common genetic susceptibility or is the effect of a psychoneurobiological loop related to the stress response activation remains to be investigatedBy submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate Please note that comments may be removed without notice if they are flagged by another user or do not comply with our community guidelines
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