Journal Title
Title of Journal: Bull Eng Geol Environ
Abbravation: Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Authors: G R Lashkaripour
Publish Date: 2001/08/30
Volume: 61, Issue: 1, Pages: 73-77
Despite the importance of mudrock in engineering projects in comparison with other sedimentary rocks there is little information available on the mechanical properties of these materials Probably one of the main reasons for this lack of data is that on a practical basis mudrocks can easily be disturbed by normal drilling techniques and are frequently difficult to sample store characterize and test A number of tests were carried out and a considerable amount of data collected from the literature to investigate the mechanical properties of different types of mudrocks Reasonably good correlations were found between some index parameters and mechanical properties and various regression equations are proposed for predicting mechanical properties In view of the closeness of these correlations and the fact that the index parameters of mudrocks are relatively simple to determine the correlations provide an indirect but very convenient means of estimating the mechanical properties It is suggested that in some circumstances their use may reduce testing requirementsMalgré limportance des argilites dans les projets dingénierie peu dinformation est disponible sur les propriétés mécaniques de ce type de roche par comparaison avec dautres roches sédimentaires Probablement lune des raisons principales de ce manque de données réside dans la difficulté à travailler avec des argilites En effet ce type de roche est difficile à échantillonner conserver caractériser et tester Ce matériau peut facilement être remanié par la foration léchantillonnage et la préparation des épreuves dessai De nombreux tests ont été réalisés et un grand nombre de données rassemblées à partir de la bibliographie afin détudier les propriétés mécaniques de différents types dargilites Le but principal de cette étude est dexpliquer les relations entre propriétés physiques et mécaniques en particulier les corrélations entre indices géotechniques et propriétés mécaniques Dassez bonnes corrélations existent entre quelques indices géotechniques et propriétés mécaniques et diverses équations de régression sont proposées pour prédire des propriétés mécaniques Du fait de la précision de ces corrélations et parce quil est facile de déterminer des indices géotechniques dun échantillon dargilite ces corrélations fournissent un moyen indirect mais correct pour estimer des propriétés mécaniques Ainsi ces équations de régression peuvent permettre de réduire le nombre dessais mécaniques nécessaires à la caractérisation du matériau
Other Papers In This Journal:
- Discontinuity networks in mudstones: a geological approach
- Comparison of the geotechnical properties of crushed shales from Southeastern Nigeria
- GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping with logistic regression, analytical hierarchy process, and combined fuzzy and support vector machine methods: a case study from Wolong Giant Panda Natural Reserve, China
- Interactions of overburden failure zones due to multiple-seam mining using longwall caving
- Comparison of undrained shear strength by pressuremeter and other tests, and numerical assessment of the effect of finite probe length in pressuremeter tests
- Assessment of the adhesion potential of kaolinite and montmorillonite using a pull-out test device
- The unique relationship between swell percent and swell pressure of compacted clays
- Influence of rock cradle block geometry on rebound hardness
- BHE logging and cement hydration heat analyses for the determination of thermo-physical parameters
- Landslide investigations in the northwest section of the lesser Khingan range in China using combined HDR and GPR methods
- Evaluation of surface settlements in the Istanbul metro in terms of analytical, numerical and direct measurements
- The geological strength index: applications and limitations
- Vulnerability assessment for reinforced concrete buildings exposed to landslides
- “Plagioclase solution degree index”: a new index to evaluate the weathering degree of granite
- Evaluation of waste embankment slope stability: Valea Manastirii, Gorj, Romania
- Evaluation of subsurface spatial variability in site characterization based on RCPTU data
- Assessment of the earthquake potential of the west Aegean region of Turkey based on seismicity, tectonics, crustal deformation and geo-archaeological evidence and its geotechnical aspects
- The effect of frost weathering at the dinosaur tracksite in Seoyu-ri, Hwasun, Korea
- Stabilisation of old lignite pit dumps in Eastern Germany
- Significance of outward dipping strata in argillaceous limestones in the area of the Three Gorges reservoir, China
- Slope stability problems of the weak rocks in the Asarsuyu pass of the Anatolian motorway
- Landslide susceptibility zonation study using remote sensing and GIS technology in the Ken-Betwa River Link area, India