Authors: Jean Fonlupt A Ridha Mahjoub
Publish Date: 2005/11/10
Volume: 105, Issue: 2-3, Pages: 289-310
In this paper we study the extreme points of the polytope PG the linear relaxation of the 2edge connected spanning subgraph polytope of a graph G We introduce a partial ordering on the extreme points of PG and give necessary conditions for a noninteger extreme point of PG to be minimal with respect to that ordering We show that if Open image in new window is a noninteger minimal extreme point of PG then G and Open image in new window can be reduced by means of some reduction operations to a graph G and an extreme point Open image in new window of PG where G and Open image in new window satisfy some simple properties As a consequence we obtain a characterization of the perfectly 2edge connected graphs the graphs for which the polytope PG is integral