Journal Title
Title of Journal: Geom Dedicata
Abbravation: Geometriae Dedicata
Springer Netherlands
Authors: E Izadi
Publish Date: 2005/11/29
Volume: 116, Issue: 1, Pages: 87-109
We introduce deformation theoretic methods for determining when a curve X in a nonhyperelliptic Jacobian JC will deform with JC to a nonJacobian We apply these methods to a particular class of curves in the second symmetric power mathbbC2 of C More precisely given a pencil g d1 of degree d on C let X be the curve parametrizing pairs of points in divisors of g d1 see the paper for the precise schemetheoretical definition We prove that if X deforms infinitesimally out of the Jacobian locus with JC then either d=4 or d=5 dim H° g 51 = 3 and C has genus 4This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Security Agency under Grant No MDA9049810014 and the National Science Foundation under Grant No DMS0071795 Any opinions findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation NSF or the National Security Agency NSA
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