Authors: Haydée AguilarCabrera
Publish Date: 2011/05/21
Volume: 158, Issue: 1, Pages: 87-108
In this article we study the topology of real analytic germs F colon mathbbC30 to mathbbC0 given by Fxyz=overlinexyxp+yq+zr with pqr in mathbbN pqr geq 2 and p q = 1 Such a germ gives rise to a Milnor fibration fracFmid F midcolon mathbbS5setminus L F to mathbbS1 We describe the link L F as a Seifert manifold and we show that in many cases the openbook decomposition of mathbbS5 given by the Milnor fibration of F cannot come from the Milnor fibration of a complex singularity in mathbbC3