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Dynamics of soil organic carbon and soil fertility

Authors: Yu Jia FengMin Li XiaoLing Wang JinZhang Xu
Publish Date: 2006/06/03
Volume: 80, Issue: 3, Pages: 233-243
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We explore the dynamics of soil organic carbon of various forms and its relation with soil fertility in seeded alfalfa grassland established using a field microcatchment technique to harvest water on the semiarid Loess Plateau in China Five regimes were set up 1 conventional flat cultivation without mulch CK 2 ridges and furrows were set up alternately on flat land with 15 cm between each so that the distance between successive ridges or successive furrows was 30 cm and the ridges were mulched with plastic film M30 3 similar to M30 but with twice the distance between furrows and ridges M60 4 similar to M30 but the ridges were not mulched B30 5 similar to M60 but the ridges were not mulched B60 The increase in alfalfa forage yield in the mulch regimes promotes soil organic carbon SOC content the light fraction of organic carbon LFOC the heavy fraction of organic carbon HFOC and microbial biomass carbon MBC MBC was significantly higher in M30 and M60 than in the other regimes Significant positive correlation is found between MBC and LFOC R=089 P00001 and MBC and HFOC R=082 P=000016 At the end of our threeyear experiment the C/N ratio of 1009 in M60 was significantly P0005 higher than the other regimes Since a lower C/N ratio accelerates SOC decomposition in this region the higher C/N ratio in M60 could limit mineralization of soil nitrogen conserving soil nitrogen and SOC The lower ratio of nitrate and nitrite nitrogen to total nitrogen of 1074 in M60 at the end of this experiment than in the other regimes and before sowing supports this point The correlations of SOC with available P and with the ratio of available P to total P are positive in the dry year of 2001 but negative in the wet year of 2002 This can be explained on the basis that a high forage yield of alfalfa requires more soil available P in the wet years than in the dry years



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  3. Relations of mineral-soil C and N to climate and texture: regional differences within the conterminous USA
  4. A threshold reveals decoupled relationship of sulfur with carbon and nitrogen in soils across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China
  5. Groundwater nutrient concentrations near an incised midwestern stream: effects of floodplain lithology and land management
  6. Using 2D NMR spectroscopy to assess effects of UV radiation on cell wall chemistry during litter decomposition
  7. Age-related changes in litter inputs explain annual trends in soil CO 2 effluxes over a full Eucalyptus rotation after afforestation of a tropical savannah
  8. Dynamics of dissolved organic 14 C in throughfall and soil solution of a Norway spruce forest
  9. Erratum to: Retention and fate of groundwater-borne nitrogen in a coastal bay (Kinvara Bay, Western Ireland) during summer
  10. Retention and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in saturated soils of arctic hillslopes
  11. Density fractionation of forest soils: methodological questions and interpretation of incubation results and turnover time in an ecosystem context
  12. Nitrification and denitrification in a midwestern stream containing high nitrate: in situ assessment using tracers in dome-shaped incubation chambers
  13. Interactions between leaf litter quality, particle size, and microbial community during the earliest stage of decay
  14. Interactive effects of disturbance and nitrogen availability on phosphorus dynamics of southern Appalachian forests
  15. Reduction of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition with sustained temperature increase
  16. Erratum to: An in-depth look into a tropical lowland forest soil: nitrogen-addition effects on the contents of N 2 O, CO 2 and CH 4 and N 2 O isotopic signatures down to 2-m depth
  17. Land–Water interactions in the amazon
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