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Springer Netherlands

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Agerelated changes in litter inputs explain annua

Authors: Yann Nouvellon Daniel Epron Claire Marsden Antoine Kinana Guerric Le Maire Philippe Deleporte Laurent SaintAndré JeanPierre Bouillet JeanPaul Laclau
Publish Date: 2011/11/30
Volume: 111, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 515-533
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Land use changes such as savannah afforestation with eucalypts impact the soil carbon C balance therefore affecting soil CO2 efflux F s a major flux in the global C cycle We tested the hypothesis that F s increases with stand age after afforestation due to an increasing input of fresh organic matter to the forest floor In a Eucalyptus plantation established on coastal savannahs in Congo bimonthly measurements of F s were carried out for 1 year on three adjacent stands aged 09 44 and 137 years and presenting similar growth patterns Litterfall and litter accumulation on the forest floor were quantified over a chronosequence Equations were derived to estimate the contribution of litter decomposition to F s throughout the rotation Litterfall increased with stand age after savannah afforestation F s that was strongly correlated on a seasonal basis with soil water content SWC in all stands decreased between ages 09 year and 44 years due to savannah residue depletion and increased between ages 44 years and 137 years mainly because of an increasing amount of decomposing eucalypt litter The aboveground litter layer therefore appeared as a major source of CO2 whose contribution to F s in old stands was estimated to be about four times higher than that of the eucalyptderived soil organic C pool The high litter contribution to F s in older stands might explain why 137 yearsold stand F s was limited by moisture all year round whereas SWC did not limit F s for large parts of the year in the youngest stands



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  3. Relations of mineral-soil C and N to climate and texture: regional differences within the conterminous USA
  4. A threshold reveals decoupled relationship of sulfur with carbon and nitrogen in soils across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China
  5. Groundwater nutrient concentrations near an incised midwestern stream: effects of floodplain lithology and land management
  6. Using 2D NMR spectroscopy to assess effects of UV radiation on cell wall chemistry during litter decomposition
  7. Dynamics of dissolved organic 14 C in throughfall and soil solution of a Norway spruce forest
  8. Erratum to: Retention and fate of groundwater-borne nitrogen in a coastal bay (Kinvara Bay, Western Ireland) during summer
  9. Retention and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in saturated soils of arctic hillslopes
  10. Density fractionation of forest soils: methodological questions and interpretation of incubation results and turnover time in an ecosystem context
  11. Nitrification and denitrification in a midwestern stream containing high nitrate: in situ assessment using tracers in dome-shaped incubation chambers
  12. Interactions between leaf litter quality, particle size, and microbial community during the earliest stage of decay
  13. Interactive effects of disturbance and nitrogen availability on phosphorus dynamics of southern Appalachian forests
  14. Reduction of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition with sustained temperature increase
  15. Erratum to: An in-depth look into a tropical lowland forest soil: nitrogen-addition effects on the contents of N 2 O, CO 2 and CH 4 and N 2 O isotopic signatures down to 2-m depth
  16. Land–Water interactions in the amazon
  17. A new conceptual model on the fate and controls of fresh and pyrolized plant litter decomposition
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  19. Dynamics of soil organic carbon and soil fertility affected by alfalfa productivity in a semiarid agro-ecosystem
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