Journal Title
Title of Journal: Biogeochemistry
Abbravation: Biogeochemistry
Springer International Publishing
Authors: Jennifer L Soong William J Parton Francisco Calderon Eleanor E Campbell M Francesca Cotrufo
Publish Date: 2015/02/25
Volume: 124, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 27-44
In recent years litter decomposition studies have begun to move beyond the concept of mass loss to consider the fate of fresh and pyrolized decomposing plant material in the ecosystem However these concepts have yet to be incorporated into conceptual models of litter decomposition Understanding how fresh and pyrolized plant litter chemical traits control the partitioning of mass loss to dissolved organic carbon DOC leaching and respiration to CO2 would help to inform models of littersoilatmosphere carbon C cycling To test these controls we incubated five fresh and one pyrolized leaf litters with differing chemistry and measured DOC and CO2 fluxes as well as changes in substrate and dissolved organic matter DOM chemistry over time using Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and wet chemistry We found that the amount of hot water extractable C was a strong predictor of initial DOC leaching while the lignocellulose index Lignin/Lignin + αCellulose was a strong inverse predictor of later stage DOCCO2 partitioning Changes in substrate and DOM chemistry indicated a progression of substrate availability for leaching from soluble plant components to partially decomposed cellulose and lignin to microbial products Based on these results we developed a new conceptual model that demonstrates how chemical traits of fresh and pyrolyzed plant litter can be used to predict the fate of aboveground organic matter decomposition and form a better linkage between aboveground decomposition and terrestrial ecosystem C cyclingThis work would not have been possible without help from D Rutherford at USGS C Rhodes and D Pierson at USFS K Guilbert D Reuss C Pinney J Botte and M Jurich at Ecocore The work was funded by the NSFDEB grant 0918482 the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program and the NSF Research Experience for Teacher program The analytical work was carried out at the EcoCore analytical services facility at Colorado State University http//ecocorenrelcolostateedu/
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