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Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers

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Metabolite profiling of potato Emphasis Type="It

Authors: WeiLi Yang Mark A Bernards
Publish Date: 2007/05/15
Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Pages: 147-159
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Suberin is a specific cell wallassociated biopolymer characterized by the deposition of both a polyphenolic domain SPPD associated with the cell wall and a polyaliphatic domain SPAD thought to be deposited between the cell wall and plasma membrane In planta suberin functions to prevent plants from desiccation and pathogen attack Although the chemical identity of the monomeric components of the SPPD and SPAD are well known their concerted biosynthesis and assembly into the suberin macromolecule is poorly understood To expand our knowledge of suberin biosynthesis a GC/MSbased metabolite profiling study was conducted using wound healing potato Solanum tuberosum L tubers as a model system A time series of both nonpolar and polar metabolite profiles were created yielding a broadbased dynamic picture of woundinduced metabolism including suberization Principal component analysis revealed a separation of metabolite profiles according to different suberization stages with clear temporal differences emerging in the nonpolar and polar profiles In the nonpolar profiles suberinassociated aliphatics contributed the most to cluster formation while a broader range of metabolites including organic acids sugars amino acids and phenylpropanoids influenced cluster formation amongst polar profiles Pairwise correlation analysis revealed strong correlations between known suberinassociated compounds as well as between suberinassociated compounds and several unidentified metabolites in the profiles These data may help to identify additional as yet unknown metabolites associated with suberization processThe authors gratefully acknowledge Dr Brian McGarvey Agriculture and AgriFood Canada London for assistance with peak deconvolution and alignment and Dr Jeff Dech UWO for assistance with statistical analyses This work was funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant to MAB



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