Authors: Ruth I MataChávez Alejandro MartínezRíos Ismael TorresGómez Romeo SelvasAguilar Julián M EstudilloAyala
Publish Date: 2008/10/05
Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Pages: 230-235
We present an allfiber MachZehnder interferometer consisting of two consecutive fattened sections of dispersionshifted fiber that act as inseries long period fiber gratings The proposed MachZehnder interferometer shows a broad fringe pattern ranging from 1000 to 1500 nm and is stable against changes in temperature and strain By tapering a section of 5mm in length to 50 diameter between the fattened sections we observe an increased sensitivity to temperature changes The measured temperature and strain sensitivities were in the range of 9–17 pm/°C and 144–29 pm/μɛ respectively