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Goldvanadiumniobium catalysts in environmental p

Authors: Izabela Sobczak Maria Ziolek Natalia Kieronczyk
Publish Date: 2009/03/23
Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Pages: 145-155
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FTIR study of NO and C3H6 adsorption coadsorption and interaction in the presence of oxygen were performed in order to estimate the catalytic behaviour of Au and Vcontaining MCM41 materials in NOSCR with propene MCM41 were modified with gold vanadium and niobium by their introduction during the synthesis coprecipitation carried out with the use of HCl or H2SO4 as pH adjustment agent The texture/structure properties of the prepared samples were investigated by N2 adsorption XRD XPS and TEM techniques It has been found that the nature of acid used for the pH adjustment during the synthesis determines the gold particles size and dispersion and influences the interaction of NO+O2+C3H6 with the catalyst surfaces In both types of AuVMCM41 catalysts the SCR reaction route occurs via NO2 formation In the case of AuVMCM41HCl and AuVNbMCM41HCl nitrites are formed and stored and upon heating NO2 is released These kinds of nitrites are not formed on AuVMCM41H2SO4 and AuVNbMCM41H2SO4 Instead of that NO2 is chemisorbed on metallic gold niobium and vanadium species and reacts with propene and/or oxygenates



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