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Fabrication and characterization of highly crystal

Authors: Morteza Asghari Ali Hassanvand Toraj Mohammadi
Publish Date: 2013/02/12
Volume: 19, Issue: 5, Pages: 903-908
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A templatefree seeded shorttime in situ hydrothermal treatment was carried out in a brass autoclave to synthesize crystalline mordenite MOR membranes on aluminasilicate disk supports with microscale pores According to XRD analysis MOR was the only zeolitic material present in the membrane layers on the supports SEM examination of the membranes showed three different layers of the membrane thickness i support sublayer ii mix penetrated midlayer the MOR crystals filling the pores among the support about 4–5 μm and iii MOR toplayer about 4–5 μm The crystalline bonds between MOR crystals of the membrane toplayer and the crystals of the support were clearly observed within the midlayer The continuous toplayer of zeolitic membrane was formed by many large and wellshaped crystals The seeding treatment significantly enhanced the formation of MOR crystals onto the surface of the supports EDAX analysis showed a Si/Al ratio of 68 for the MOR layer of the membrane Due to their hydrophilic natures the polycrystalline MOR membranes were found to be selective for continuous dehydration of different EtOH–water mixtures through an adsorption–diffusion–desorption mechanism Both total permeation flux and separation factor of the membrane were found to increase by increasing temperature and water concentration of feed The continuity and high crystallinity of the membrane toplayer led to the fairly high dehydration of EtOH It was found that there was no pinhole within the layer and the morphology of the membrane was almost defectfree



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