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Springer Netherlands

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The Berlin initiative study the methodology of ex

Authors: Elke S Schaeffner Markus van der Giet Jens Gaedeke Markus Tölle Natalie Ebert Martin K Kuhlmann Peter Martus
Publish Date: 2010/01/22
Volume: 25, Issue: 3, Pages: 203-210
PDF Link


Epidemiologic data on incidence prevalence and risk factors for chronic kidney disease CKD and its progression to kidney failure in people ≥70 years are scarce This lack may have two reasons First the issue has only recently gained importance by the changing demographics characterized by an aging society Secondly a validated method for estimating kidney function in terms of glomerular filtration rate GFR in the elderly is still lacking In this paper we describe the methodology of a combined longitudinal and crosssectional approach of a population based study which will start in January 2010 The aims of the study are to identify prevalent and incident cases of CKD as well as comorbidities and associated risk factors for progression of disease in this specific agegroup To assess prevalence a new GFR estimation equation is to be developed In a longitudinal approach a population based age stratified sample of 2000 subjects ≥70 years will be randomly drawn from a data base of a large health insurance company Interview physical examination and preliminary estimation of GFR based on serum creatinine will be performed The entire cohort will be followed over the course of 2 years In a crosssectional approach a subsample of 600 subjects will be defined based on preliminary GFR values Kidney function will be determined by measuring plasma clearance of an exogenous filtration marker Iohexol A new GFRequation will be developed and validated using Iohexol clearance as gold standard to estimate GFR accurately and precisely Data of 2000 subjects will be used to estimate prevalence of CKDThe authors thank Andrej Woehrmann for his assistance in the quality assurance process and the manuscript preparation Grant support This work was supported by the KfH Foundation of Preventive Medicine wwwkfhstiftungpraeventivmedizinde a nonprofit organization supporting science and research in the field of prevention Address KfHStiftung Praeventivmedizin MartinBehaimStrasse 20 63263 NeuIsenburg



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  12. The association between birthplace in different regions of the world and cardiovascular mortality among residents of Spain
  13. Trends in stroke incidence rates and stroke risk factors in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from 1990 to 2008
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