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On exact solutions of the flow equations for Bingh

Authors: Vladimir Shelukhin
Publish Date: 2010/09/05
Volume: 50, Issue: 4, Pages: 335-342
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We discuss properties of solutions of the Bingham flow equations for viscoplastic fluids through an eccentric annular crosssection Particularly we perform arguments which are not in favor of the wellknown Szabo–Hassager’s conjecture that the rigid zone is confined by circles provided the eccentricity is small J NonNewtonian Fluid Mech 45149169 1992



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  5. Can dynamical mechanical measurements predict brittle fracture behaviour?
  6. Self-reinforcement of polymers as a consequence of elongational flow
  7. The role of convective constraint release in parallel superposition flows of nearly monodisperse entangled polymer solutions
  8. Influence of the initial cooling temperature on the gelation and yield stress of waxy crude oils
  9. Molecular architecture and linear viscoelasticity of homogeneous ethylene/styrene copolymers
  10. Flow analysis of the weld line formation during injection mold filling of thermoplastics
  11. Squeeze flow of soft solids between rough surfaces
  12. Molecular orientation in non-Newtonian flow of dilute polymer solutions around spheres
  13. The contribution of frictional contacts to the shear strength of coarse glass bead powders and slurries
  14. End effects in rotational viscometry II. Pseudoplastic fluids at elevated Reynolds number
  15. Rheological behaviour of a high-melt-strength polypropylene at elevated pressure and gas loading for foaming purposes
  16. The effect of premature wall yield on creep testing of strongly flocculated suspensions
  17. Rheological and morphological properties of PA6/ECO nanocomposites
  18. Orientation distribution in injection molding: a further step toward more accurate simulations
  19. Fractal analysis of viscoelastic data with automated gel point location and its potential application in the investigation of therapeutically modified blood coagulation
  20. Modeling confinement in polymer nanocomposites from linear viscoelasticity data
  21. Linear viscoelasticity of styrenic block copolymers–clay nanocomposites
  22. A computational extensional rheology study of two biofluid systems
  23. Power-law creep and residual stresses in a carbopol gel
  24. Electrorheological response of SnO 2 and Y 2 O 3 nanoparticles in silicon oil
  25. Generation of inkjet droplet of non-Newtonian fluid
  26. Scaling and mesostructure of Carbopol dispersions
  27. Study of the non-isothermal glass fibre drawing process
  28. Influence of molecular parameters on the stress dependence of viscous and elastic properties of polypropylene melts in shear
  29. An error-minimizing approach to inverse Langevin approximations

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