Authors: Alexander Romannikov
Publish Date: 2011/01/29
Volume: 30, Issue: 5, Pages: 357-357
I would like to pay attention that the main idea and conclusions of the article “The Behavior of Radial Electric Field and Toroidal Rotation in the Edge Plasma of Divertor Tokamak” by A H Bekheit published in J Fusion Energy 2010 29 p 443–446 are practically identical to the article “Certain considerations concerning the nature of radial electric field and toroidal rotation velocity profile in tokamak plasma” by A Romannikov published in Plasma Phys Control Fusion 49 2007 641–647 without any necessary referenceE r add r in the Eq 5 of Romannikov’s article p 643 E r add r is consequence mainly of “The E and B components of the electromagnetic field in the instantaneous inertial coroating frame in which the material medium is at rest can be easily related 15 to the E and B components in the laboratory frame In our case it is possible to consider the corotating frame also as the instantaneous inertial frame 16 17” p 642 is practically the E r 1 in the Eq5 of Bekhe’s article P 444 E r 1 is consequence mainly of “The radial electric field ‘‘Er’’ and magnetic field ‘‘B’’ components of the electromagnetic field in the instantaneous inertial corotating frame in which the material medium is at rest can be easily related to the radial electric field ‘‘Er’’ and magnetic field ‘‘B’’ components in the laboratory frame 10 In our case it is possible to consider the corotating frame also as instantaneous inertial frame 11 12” p 444Especially I would like to pay attention to references 16 17 of Romannikov’s article p 647 and references 11 12 of Bekheit’s article p 446 References to the French mathematician Mo T C 1970 J Math Phys 11 2589 and to Van Bladel J 1984 “Relativity and Engineering” Heidelberg Springer are in tokamak physics publications only in three articles A N Romannikov Plasma Phys Control Fusion 49 2007 641–647 A N Romannikov JETP 2009 Vol 108 No 2 pp 340–348 and A H Bekheit J Fusion Energy 2010 29 pp 443–446