Authors: Byeong Cheol Lho Myung Ki Joo Kyu Hyung Choi Jong Yun Choi
Publish Date: 2012/06/29
Volume: 16, Issue: 5, Pages: 803-808
The effects of polymerbinder ratio and slag content on the strength properties of autoclaved SBRmodified concrete using ground granulated blastfurnace slag and styrenebutadiene rubber latex are examined As results the compressive and tensile strength of the autoclaved SBRmodified concrete using slag are higher at a slag content of 40 and are increasing according to polymerbinder ratio In particular the autoclaved SBRmodified concrete with a slag content of 40 is about three times higher tensile strength than unmodified concrete Such a high strength development is due to the improved bond between cement hydrates and aggregates because of the incorporation of SBR latex From the point of deteriorated physical properties and changed infrared spectra the application of autoclaving under saturated CaOH2 solution immersion causes no degradation for SBR polymer films