Authors: Hang Lin Jingyu Chen
Publish Date: 2016/06/24
Volume: 21, Issue: 3, Pages: 670-675
The angles of homogeneous slopes θ are divided into three partitions θ ≤ 40° 40° θ 50° and 50° ≤ θ to deduce the calculation formula for the maximum depth D of critical slip surface below the slope surface The formula proves that the slip surface location in soil homogeneous slopes is related only to the ratio of c cohesion and tanϕ angle of shearing resistance for the known slope geometry and unit weight In this paper extensive calculations are carried out to draw relation charts between dimensionless shear strength parameters λ cϕ = c/γH 0tanϕ and the ratio D/H 0 where D is the maximum depth of the critical slip surface H 0 is the slope heights as well as the relation between λ cϕ and angle of shearing resistance ϕ Results show that D/H 0 and ϕ are only determined by λ cϕ and do not change with different slope heights Through the measurement of the maximum depth of the slope slip surface the shear strength parameters of homogeneous slopes at the critical state can be obtained based on back analysis relation charts The correctness of this method is verified by comparing the numerical calculation results