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Fuzzy Logic Based SelfAdaptive Handover Algorithm

Authors: Mohammed A BenMubarak Borhanuddin Mohd Ali Nor Kamariah Noordin Alyani Ismail Chee Kyun Ng
Publish Date: 2012/10/25
Volume: 71, Issue: 2, Pages: 1421-1442
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It is well known that WiMAX is a broadband technology that is capable of delivering triple play voice data and video services However mobility in WiMAX system is still a main issue when the mobile station MS moves across the base station BS coverage and be handed over between BSs Among the challenging issues in mobile WiMAX handover are unnecessary handover handover failure and handover delay which may affect realtime applications The conventional handover decision algorithm in mobile WiMAX is based on a single criterion which usually uses the received signal strength indicator RSSI as an indicator with the other fixed handover parameters such as handover threshold and handover margin In this paper a fuzzy logic based selfadaptive handover FuzSAHO algorithm is introduced The proposed algorithm is derived from the selfadaptive handover parameters to overcome the mobile WiMAX pingpong handover and handover delay issues Hence the proposed FuzSAHO is initiated to check whether a handover is necessary or not which depends on its fuzzy logic stage The proposed FuzSAHO algorithm will first selfadapt the handover parameters based on a set of multiple criteria which includes the RSSI and MS velocity Then the handover decision will be executed according to the handover parameter values Simulation results show that the proposed FuzSAHO algorithm reduces the number of pingpong handover and its delay When compared with RSSI based handover algorithm and mobility improved handover MIHO algorithm respectively FuzSAHO reduces the number of handovers by 125 and 75 respectively when the MS velocity is 17 m/s In term of handover delay the proposed FuzSAHO algorithm shows an improvement of 278 and 8 as compared to both conventional and MIHO algorithms respectively Thus the proposed multicriteria with fuzzy logic based selfadaptive handover algorithm called FuzSAHO outperforms both conventional and MIHO handover algorithms



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