Authors: Saber Meymanatabadi Javad Musevi Niya Behzad Mozaffari
Publish Date: 2012/12/05
Volume: 71, Issue: 4, Pages: 2523-2534
Selected mapping SLM is a technique for reducing the high peaktoaverage power ratio PAPR in which a suitable signal is selected among a set of alternative signals which all indicate alike information The chief drawback existing in this method is that transmitter is compelled to send several additional bits called side information SI for each data block in order that recovering at the receiver side can be possible In this paper we present a novel SLM scheme by using the linear feedback shift register circuit and msequence named MSLM technique by which any side information bit is not explicitly sent In MSLM The basic idea is to fit the side information into transmitted symbols based upon which some special locations in the transmitted data block are expanded ie some transmitted symbols are extended In the receiver side by using some properties of msequence the SI bits can be detected We present the example of our method for an OFDM system through the use of 16QAM modulation and different msequences and finally concerned results are illustrated from the view point of bit error rate probability of detection failure and PAPR reduction