Authors: Zhu Wang Zhiwen Yu Xingshe Zhou Chao Chen Bin Guo
Publish Date: 2016/06/29
Volume: 91, Issue: 1, Pages: 187-203
With the rapid development of mobile web technology different kinds of mobile web services are emerging such as instant news music advertisement etc Due to the limit of mobile devices and the overloaded information it is necessary to recommend personalized information to the endusers In this paper we propose a contextaware mobile web browsing system for personalized information recommendation on mobile devices We capture the user’s contexts such as time and location during web browsing to obtain contextbased user preferences The system then recommends users most favoured content by adapting the webpage according to user profile and the current context Finally we implement a prototype of contextaware mobile web browsing system using HTML5 on Android platform and conduct a preliminary evaluation with respect to user satisfaction and recommendation accuracyThis work is partially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China Nos 2015CB352400 the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos 61402369 61222209 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities No 3102014JSJ0004 The authors would like to thank all the colleagues for their discussion and suggestion