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Real or Perceived The Environmental Health Risks

Authors: Courtney Maloof Gallaher Dennis Mwaniki Mary Njenga Nancy K Karanja Antoinette M G A WinklerPrins
Publish Date: 2013/03/20
Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 9-20
PDF Link


Cities around the world are undergoing rapid urbanization resulting in the growth of informal settlements or slums These informal settlements lack basic services including sanitation and are associated with joblessness lowincome levels and insecurity Families living in such settlements may turn to a variety of strategies to improve their livelihoods and household food security including urban agriculture However given the lack of formal sanitation services in most of these informal settlements residents are frequently exposed to a number of environmental risks including biological and chemical contaminants In the Kibera slums of Nairobi Kenya households practice a form of urban agriculture called sack gardening or vertical gardening where plants such as kale and Swiss chard are planted into large sacks filled with soil Given the nature of farming in slum environments farmers and consumers of this produce in Kibera are potentially exposed to a variety of environmental contaminants due to the lack of formal sanitation systems Our research demonstrates that perceived and actual environmental risks in terms of contamination of food crops from sack gardening are not the same Farmers perceived exposure to biological contaminants to be the greatest risk to their food crops but we found that heavy metal contamination was also significant risk By demonstrating this disconnect between risk perception and actual risk we wish to inform debates about how to appropriately promote urban agriculture in informal settlements and more generally about the tradeoffs created by farming in urban spaces



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  1. Risk of Malaria Reemergence in Southern France: Testing Scenarios with a Multiagent Simulation Model
  2. Global Politics and Multinational Health-care Encounters: Assessing the Role of Transnational Competence
  3. In This Issue
  4. Bridging Taxonomic and Disciplinary Divides in Infectious Disease
  5. EcoHealth and the Influenza A/H5N1 Dual Use Issue
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Diversity, Emergence, Resilience: Guides for A New Generation of Ecohealth Research and Practice
  8. Predicting the Distribution of Vibrio spp. in the Chesapeake Bay: A Vibrio cholerae Case Study
  9. Development of Transdisciplinarity Among Students Placed with a Sustainability for Health Research Project
  10. Environmental Change and Human Health in Upper Hunter Communities of New South Wales, Australia
  11. Noninvasive Monitoring of Respiratory Viruses in Wild Chimpanzees
  12. Human Health-Related Ecosystem Services of Avian-Dense Coastal Wetlands Adjacent to a Western Lake Erie Swimming Beach
  13. Monitoring Antibiotic Use and Residue in Freshwater Aquaculture for Domestic Use in Vietnam
  14. University of British Columbia Food System Project: Towards Sustainable and Secure Campus Food Systems
  15. Distribution of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in Hard Ticks (Ixodida: Ixodidae) from Panamanian Urban and Rural Environments (2007–2013)
  16. Ecosystem Health in Professional Curriculum: Experience to Date
  17. Chytridiomycosis and Amphibian Population Declines Continue to Spread Eastward in Panama
  18. Ecosystem Health Assessment of the Jinghe River Watershed on the Huangtu Plateau
  19. Three Gorges Dam and Its Impact on the Potential Transmission of Schistosomiasis in Regions along the Yangtze River
  20. Global Pathogen Distributions: A Win–Win for Disease Ecology and Biogeography
  21. Marine Birds as Sentinels of Environmental Pollution

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