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Distribution of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in

Authors: Sergio E Bermúdez Angélica M Castro Diomedes Trejos Gleydis G García Amanda Gabster Roberto J Miranda Yamitzel Zaldívar Luis E Paternina
Publish Date: 2016/04/11
Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Pages: 274-284
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Tickborne rickettsiosis is an important emerging disease in Panama to date there have been 12 confirmed cases including eight fatalities To evaluate the distribution of rickettsiae in Panamanian ticks we collected questing and onhost ticks in urban and rural towns in elevations varying between 0 and 2300 m A total of 63 sites 13 urban and 50 rural towns were used to develop models of spatial distributions We found the following tick species Rhipicephalus sanguineus sl present in 54 of 63 towns and cities Amblyomma mixtum 45/63 Dermacentor nitens 40/63 A ovale 37/63 Rhipicephalus microplus 33/63 A oblongoguttatum 33/63 Ixodes affinis 3/63 and Ixodes boliviensis 2/63 Rhipicephalus sanguineus sl was present in urban and rural towns and other species were present only in rural towns DNA was extracted from 408 R sanguineus sl 387 A mixtum 103 A ovale and 11 A oblongoguttatum and later tested for rickettsiae genes using PCR Rickettsia DNA was detected in ticks from 21 of 63 localities Rickettsia rickettsii was detected in five A mixtum 129 and Candidatus “Rickettsia amblyommii” was found in 138 A mixtum 35 14 R sanguineus 34 and one A ovale 09 These results suggest that much of rural Panama is suitable for the expansion of tick populations and could favor the appearance of new tickborne rickettsiosis outbreaksThis work was supported by the projects “Surveillance of Panamanian ectoparasites for rickettsial agents” funds CDC ICGES and “Vigilancia epidemiológica de las enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes del cordón fronterizo PanamáColombia” funds Ministry of Economic and Finance and also other field activities from the projects “Estudio de la diversidad de toxinas producidas por los escorpiones de importancia médica en Panamá mediante el empleo de técnicas biotecnológicas” “Análisis toxinológico de poblaciones de escorpiones de los géneros Tityus y Centruroides en áreas endémicas de Costa Rica Colombia y Panamá empleando técnicas moleculares e inmunológicas” fondos SENACYT and “Análisis de la incidencia de leishmaniasis en Capira” funds Ministry of Economic and Finance LEP received funding from the Programa de Doctorados Nacionales del Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación COLCIENCIAS from Colombia Special thanks to Nicole Gottdenker Anayansi Valderrama and Robyn Nadolny for their comments on the manuscript and assistance with the English revision



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