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Distonic Ions Editorial

Authors: Richard A J O’Hair Michael L Gross
Publish Date: 2013/03/21
Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 467-468
PDF Link


Welcome to this JASMS focus issue on Distonic Ions The idea to run this focus arose from the enthusiastic reception for the “Distonic Radical Ions Fundamentals and Applications” session of the 60th ASMS Conference held in Vancouver May 20–24 2012 This session cochaired by Professors Michael Siu and Richard O’Hair was comprised of six presentations spanning a range of topics Interest in the subject of distonic ions which was one of the “hot” subjects in mass spectrometry and ion chemistry 25 or more years ago has seen a renaissance owing in part to the use of electron capture dissociation ECD and electrontransfer dissociation ETD two processes that convert closedshell cations into radical cationsGiven the editorinchief’s early contributions to this area some reminiscences of those early days of ion chemistry may be of interest to you One of the first papers 4 by Jaffe Billets and Kaplan described that dialkylNnitrosamines radical cations acted as gasphase acids presumably because an intramolecular proton transfer had occurred to produce a –N = OH+ along with a free radical site located remotely from the charge site The EIinduced fragmentation to lose OH is consistent with the hypothesis This is one of the first examples where evidence was presented that an unusual species with localized charge and spin did existIn our own work 6 reported 1 year later we produced a species •CH2NH3 + in an ionmolecule reaction between the cyclopropane radical cation and neutral ammonia in a driftcell ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer the predecessor of today’s FTICR instrument We knew the product was unusual because it was more acidic than the conventional isomer CH3NH2 +• Details of this process were revealed in a 1972 sequel paper that represented one of my first independent efforts as an assistant professor 7 Unfortunately we were not sufficiently clever to name these species to be “distonic” and to realize their general importance in ion chemistry That awaited the work of Leo Radom Nevertheless we hope the reader will understand our enthusiasm for this subjectAlthough interest in distonic ions decreased over the years as the subject of mass spectrometry moved into biochemistry biology and the various “omics” the subject has been the topic of 81 papers and two reviews since 1980 Scopus search Furthermore there have been many presentations at ASMS conferences over the years on the subject of distonic ionsThe articles presented in this Focus issue nicely highlight the current range of interest in distonic ions and can be classified into two main categories 1 the chemistry of “small molecule” distonic ions and 2 distonic ions derived from biomoleculesProfessor Hilka Kenttamaa and her group have been actively pursuing the reactivity of distonic ions and related biradical and triradical ions for the past 2 decades so it is fitting to start with an article that describes both gasphase and condensedphase work on isomeric distonic ions of the pyridine radical cation Widjaja Jin Nash and Kenttämaa Other papers dealing with “small” distonic ions include the use of UV–vis spectroscopy to determine the structure of the product from the reaction of NO2 to carboncentered radicals Kirk Trevitt Blanksby the use of distonic ions to model a key combustion intermediate Li Lam Khairallah White O’Hair da Silva some novel distonic ions derived from oxidized transition metal–thiolate complexes Lu Campbell Chauhan Grapperhaus ChenThe papers on biological distonic ions include A Consideration of the Isomers of the Radical Cations of Tryptophan Piatkivskyi Osburn Jaderberg Grzetic Steill Oomens Zhao Lau Verkerk Hopkinson Siu and Ryzhov Radical Migrations in Peptides Zhang and Julian The Chemistry of SulfurBased Radicals Derived from the Amino Acid Side Chains of Cysteine Tan and Xia and Methionine Lau Lo Zhao Siu and Hopkinson and The Mechanisms of Phosphate Cleavage in Radical Cations of a Phosphopeptide Model System Quan Hao Song Siu and ChuAs these Focus articles hopefully show distonic ions remain important species in mass spectrometry and we predict that interest in them will grow again Thus we hope you will enjoy this focus section and find some application of the concept in your own researchRichard A J O’Hair Associate Editor School of Chemistry Bio21 Institute of Molecular Science and Biotechnology ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia email rohairunimelbeduau



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. On the Efficiency of NHS Ester Cross-Linkers for Stabilizing Integral Membrane Protein Complexes
  2. Dynamic Interchanging Native States of Lymphotactin Examined by SNAPP-MS
  3. Quantitative Assessment of Protein Structural Models by Comparison of H/D Exchange MS Data with Exchange Behavior Accurately Predicted by DXCOREX
  4. Reflections on Charge State Distributions, Protein Structure, and the Mystical Mechanism of Electrospray Ionization
  5. CYCLONE—A Utility for De Novo Sequencing of Microbial Cyclic Peptides
  6. Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantification of Pseudouridine in RNA
  7. Statistical Examination of the a and a + 1 Fragment Ions from 193 nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation Reveals Local Hydrogen Bonding Interactions
  8. Perspective on Electrospray Ionization and Its Relation to Electrochemistry
  9. Untargeted Metabolomics Strategies—Challenges and Emerging Directions
  10. Development of a Magnetic Microbead Affinity Selection Screen (MagMASS) Using Mass Spectrometry for Ligands to the Retinoid X Receptor-α
  11. Structural Investigation of Protonated Azidothymidine and Protonated Dimer
  12. Application of Probe Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (PESI-MS) to Clinical Diagnosis: Solvent Effect on Lipid Analysis
  13. Ion-Molecule Clustering in Differential Mobility Spectrometry: Lessons Learned from Tetraalkylammonium Cations and their Isomers
  14. Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry for Single Ions with an Uncertainty in the Charge Measurement of 0.65 e
  15. Super-Atmospheric Pressure Electrospray Ion Source: Applied to Aqueous Solution
  16. Probing the Electron Capture Dissociation Mass Spectrometry of Phosphopeptides with Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
  17. Efficient Covalent Bond Formation in Gas-Phase Peptide–Peptide Ion Complexes with the Photoleucine Stapler
  18. Ion Trap Electric Field Characterization Using Slab Coupled Optical Fiber Sensors
  19. Picoelectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using Narrow-Bore Chemically Etched Emitters
  20. The H-Index of ‘An Approach to Correlate Tandem Mass Spectral Data of Peptides with Amino Acid Sequences in a Protein Database’
  21. Predicting Compensation Voltage for Singly-charged Ions in High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FAIMS)
  22. Native ESI Mass Spectrometry Can Help to Avoid Wrong Interpretations from Isothermal Titration Calorimetry in Difficult Situations
  23. Characterization of Tyrosine Nitration and Cysteine Nitrosylation Modifications by Metastable Atom-Activation Dissociation Mass Spectrometry
  24. Deconstructing Desorption Electrospray Ionization: Independent Optimization of Desorption and Ionization by Spray Desorption Collection
  25. Matrix Assisted Ionization in Vacuum, a Sensitive and Widely Applicable Ionization Method for Mass Spectrometry
  26. Localization of Post-Translational Modifications in Peptide Mixtures via High-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Separations Followed by Electron Transfer Dissociation
  27. MALDI Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Lipids in Rat Brain Injury Models
  28. High Production of Small Organic Dicarboxylate Dianions by DESI and ESI
  29. Automated Lipid A Structure Assignment from Hierarchical Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data
  30. Automated Lipid A Structure Assignment from Hierarchical Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data
  31. Transitioning from Targeted to Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Using Genetic Algorithms

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