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Locating Water Desalination Facilities for Municip

Authors: M Habibi Davijani A Nadjafzadeh Anvar M E Banihabib
Publish Date: 2014/05/31
Volume: 28, Issue: 10, Pages: 3341-3353
PDF Link


Groundwater resources have become the main resources for water supply due to the unavailability of surface water in arid zones Arid zone’s damage to groundwater resources will have a high impact on human life in arid zones comparing to other regions Due to the lack of surface water resources in these arid zones groundwater is used as a resource for drinking and sanitation purposes due to the lack of surface water resources in these arid zones Water desalination facilities are set up in locations where there is both sufficient amount of water quantitative criteria and the extracted water has adequate quality qualitative criteria Therefore an optimization model should be used to locate optimal places for water desalination facilities Multicriteria decisionmaking models are mathematical techniques that by using the geographic information system are able to evaluate the options under complicated and indefinite geographic conditions This research prepares information and factor maps to assign weights to qualitative water maps which were combined in the form of an inductive network Therefore by employing the concept of fuzzy fusion models this article presents a method for solving multicriteria geographicallyindeterminate problems and finally finds an appropriate location for the construction of a water desalination system in the desert region of Birjand in IranAccess to clean and safe water is fast becoming a major problem throughout the world Presently about 12 billion people around the world don’t have access to adequate amounts of clean water World Health Organization 2009 Many people encounter water shortages during hot seasons The current population growth rate and increase of the earth’s surface temperature is causing the problem of access to safe and clean water for drinking and sanitation to become considerably worse United Nations World Water 2009Also groundwater salinization occurs in some some aquifers around the world Benavente et al 2004 Barlow 2003 In this context many studies have been conducted with groundwater contamination sources such as deep brines or upward flow from deep saline water Vengosh et al 1999 downward leakage from surficial saline water through failed or improperly constructed Aunay et al 2006 fossil seawater Yamanaka and Kumagai 2006 Impact of land disposal of reject brine from desalination plants on soil and groundwater Mohameda et al 2005 evaporite dissolution PulidoLeboeuf et al 2003 or present seawater intrusion often due to excessive pumping Kim et al 2003Due to the poor and inadequate potential of surface waters optimal planning management and utilization schemes should be implemented in order to supply the needed water from the limited potential of groundwater aquifers Edet 1993 Gallardo et al 2005 Partey et al 2010 Bohlke 2002 Celik and Yildirim 2006 Robins 2001 Gallardo and Tase 2005 Mishra et al 2005 Edmunds et al 2003 Considering these conditions one of the primary means of acquiring clean and safe drinking water in the desert regions is the use of water desalination facilities The locations and types of these facilities should be selected based on the aquifers’ quality limitations with respect to salinity heavy metals water hardness and the requirements associated with the improvement of obtained water quality Aiuppa et al 2003 Barker et al 1998 SanchesMartos et al 2001 Van Vliet and Zwolsman 2008Among a total number of 145 national water desalination units surveyed in towns and villages 128 units 883  with total daily production capacity of 53317 m3 are located in towns and the rest of those with daily production capacity of 6170 m3 are located in rural regions The water quality achieved by the water desalination units is a mixture of calcic chloritic sulfates and the efficiency of these systems in reducing the water’s TDS is 987  Ghanad 2005 Masoomi et al 2011Sophocleous et al 1982 performed a geostatistical analysis on water levels in places where the studied wells were located along the same line and at equal distances from one another and they observed a strong positional correlation between water levels in the wells They also prepared counter lines maps of groundwater and presented a network for the management of these waters Sophocleous et al 1982 Similarly in a research on the distribution of nitrate concentration in groundwater using the multivariable statistical analysis method Raiber et al 2012 found out that petrologically the composition of bedrock has a significant effect on the concentration of nitrate and concluded that this method can be employed for the analysis of hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical data obtained from studies to locate the spread of water contamination and that acceptable solutions can be achieved through this approach Raiber et al 2012 Güler et al 2012 used the fuzzy clustering multivariate statistics and GIS methods and by means of the hydrological and hydrochemical data on groundwater they could discover the impacts of human activities on these resources These investigators claimed that human activities have the most devastating impact on the contamination of the studied region Carter and Graeme 1994 Güler et al 2012As previously mentioned the use of desalination facilities to remove the salt and purify the groundwater to a drinkable level can be a viable solution to the shortage of safe drinkable water and lack of access to suitable surface waters in arid zones Previous research has not paid special attention to locating water desalination facilities to provide municipal drinking water



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Quantitative Estimation Models and Their Application of Ecological Water Use at a Basin Scale
  2. An Assessment of Conflicting Intentions in the Use of Multipurpose Water Reservoirs
  3. Sustainable, Just, Equal, and Optimal Groundwater Management Strategies to Cope with Climate Change: Insights from Brazil
  4. Hydrochemical characteristics and quality assessment of groundwater in Amaravathi river basin of Karur district, Tamil Nadu, South India
  5. Application of Remote Sensing in Water Resource Management: The Case Study of Lake Trasimeno, Italy
  6. Effect of Variation of Water-Use Efficiency on Structure of Virtual Water Trade - Analysis Based on Input–Output Model
  7. Using NDVI from MODIS to Monitor Duckweed Bloom in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
  8. Proactive Risk-Based Integrity Assessment of Water Distribution Networks
  9. Outdoor Water Use as an Adaptation Problem: Insights from North American Cities
  10. Monitoring Turbid Plume Behavior from Landsat Imagery
  11. A New Modified Tennant Method with Spatial-Temporal Variability
  12. Integrating Research for Water Management: Synergy or Dystopia?
  13. Modelling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Snowpack in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, Alberta
  14. Quantifying the Poorly Known Role of Groundwater in Agriculture: the Case of Cyprus
  15. Modeling Multisource Multiuser Water Resources Allocation
  16. Incorporating the Irrigation Demand Simultaneity in the Optimal Operation of Pressurized Networks with Several Water Supply Points
  17. Decision Making and Social Learning: the Case of Watershed Committee of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  18. Parameter Identification for a Slug Test in a Well with Finite-Thickness Skin Using Extended Kalman Filter
  19. Incorporating Economic and Political Considerations in Inter-Basin Water Allocations: A Case Study
  20. Public Participation in European Water Management: from Theory to Practice
  21. Financial Analysis of the Spanish Water Sector
  22. Optimization of Multiple Reservoirs Operation with Consideration to Sediment Evacuation
  23. Spatial Patterns and Temporal Variability of Drought in Western Iran
  24. Impact of Intensive Irrigation Activities on River Discharge Under Agricultural Scenarios in the Semi-Arid Aksu River Basin, Northwest China
  25. Modeling the Effect of Cistern Size, Soil Type, and Irrigation Scheduling on Rainwater Harvesting as a Stormwater Control Measure
  26. RBFNN Versus Empirical Models for Lag Time Prediction in Tropical Humid Rivers
  27. Quantitative Assessment of Interdisciplinarity in Water Science Programs
  28. Assessing an Enhanced Version of SWAT on Water Quantity and Quality Simulation in Regions with Seasonal Snow Cover
  29. A GIS-based DRASTIC Model for Assessing Aquifer Vulnerability in Kherran Plain, Khuzestan, Iran
  30. A Proposal and Application of the Integrated Benefit Assessment Model for Urban Water Resources Exploitation and Utilization
  31. Conjunctive Use Management under Uncertainty Conditions in Aquifer Parameters
  32. Comparing Low and High-Level Hybrid Algorithms on the Two-Objective Optimal Design of Water Distribution Systems
  33. Spatial Distribution of Rainfall in Indian Himalayas – A Case Study of Uttarakhand Region
  34. Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Muskingum Model with Backtracking Search Algorithm
  35. Water Quantity and Quality Models Applied to the Jucar River Basin, Spain
  36. Development of Nonlinear Model Based on Wavelet-ANFIS for Rainfall Forecasting at Klang Gates Dam
  37. Definition of Wetland Typology for Hydro-morphological Elements Within the WFD. A Case Study from Southern Spain
  38. Chemical Evaluation of Ma’an Sewage Effluents and its Reuse in Irrigation Purposes
  39. Water Management of Irrigation Dams Considering Climate Variation: Case Study of Zayandeh-rud Reservoir, Iran
  40. Study of a Compressed Air Vessel for Controlling the Pressure Surge in Water Networks: CFD and Experimental Analysis
  41. Introduction to the Special Issue on “Adaptation and Resilience of Water Systems to an Uncertain Changing Climate”
  42. Spatiotemporal Trend Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events in Victoria, Australia
  43. A Wavelet-ANFIS Hybrid Model for Groundwater Level Forecasting for Different Prediction Periods
  44. Water Use and Conservation in Manufacturing: Evidence from U.S. Microdata
  45. Towards Sustainable Water Quality: Management of Rainwater Harvesting Cisterns in Southern Palestine
  46. Regional Frequency Analysis of Droughts in China: A Multivariate Perspective
  47. Optimizing Flood and Sediment Management of Spate Irrigation in Aba’ala Plains
  48. Delineating Capture Zone of a Pumping Well in a Slanting Regional Groundwater Flow to a Stream with a Leaky Layer
  49. A neuro-fuzzy model for inflow forecasting of the Nile river at Aswan high dam
  50. Comparison of Different Multi Criteria Decision-Making Models in Prioritizing Flood Management Alternatives
  51. Comparison of Different Multi Criteria Decision-Making Models in Prioritizing Flood Management Alternatives
  52. Impact of Tanning Industries on Groundwater Quality near a Metropolitan City in India
  53. Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System for Sediment Transport in Sewers
  54. Rasterised Water Demands: Methodology for Their Assessment and Possible Applications
  55. Water Resources Management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Cameroon

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